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Moose Jaw Tunnels Visit & Book Launch

Thank you to the Tunnels of Moose Jaw for a Wonderful Book Launch in the Tunnels! I had a wonderful and exciting day yesterday. I got to launch Tunnels of Treachery, the 3rd book in the Moose Jaw Time Travel Series, right in the Moose Jaw Tunnels. This is the third time I’ve been invited to launch a book or read in the Moose Jaw Tunnels and it is always an awesome experience. For the past year or more, the staff at the Tunnels of Moose Jaw – especially Kelly and Bobby - have been doing a fabulous job of promoting me and my books. It is the perfect partnership, and I, along with Driver Works Ink, my publisher, do our part in promoting the Tunnels of Moose Jaw. In the newest book, you will notice a full-page ad highlighting the three tunnel tours available at the Tunnels. We also designed a bookmark that we both share with people. One side of the bookmark advertises my books and the other side showcases the three tunnel tours now available.

Another wonderful thing Kelly and Bobby did, was to hold a contest for classrooms across Saskatchewan to send in a video about something to do with one of my Tunnels books and also telling why their classroom should win a trip to visit the tunnels in Moose Jaw. The lucky class that won the contest was from William Mason School in Choiceland, SK. The students were excited for their trip to Moose Jaw to tour the tunnel – Passage to Fortune – and to meet me! I got to introduce my newest book – Tunnels of Treachery – to the students, right in the Passage to Fortune tunnel! I read an excerpt and answered questions as well. The students went on their tour after my presentation. It was a wonderful event in Moose Jaw, which I will always remember! Thank you, Tunnels of Moose Jaw, Kelly and Bobby, for hosting this fabulous event! I have heard a quiet rumour that you might repeat this again in the spring!

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